KV1 - Ramesses
VII (XX Dynasty)
KV2 -
Ramesses IV (XX
KV3 -
Ramesses III (unfinished tomb intended
for one of his sons, XX Dynasty)
KV4 -
Ramesses XI (XX
KV5 -
tomb of
Ramesses II son's (XIX
KV6 -
Ramesses IX (XX Dynasty)
KV7 -
Ramesses II (XIX
KV8 -
Merenptah (XIX Dynasty)
KV9 -
Ramesses V & VI (Greek travelers called
"tomb of Memnon")
KV10 -
KV11 -
Ramesses III (originally Setnakht)
KV12 - unknown of royal
family tomb
(XVIII Dynasty)
KV13 - Bay (chancellor of
Siptah, decline of XIX
KV14 -
and, maybe,
Seti II (tomb taken over by
KV15 -
Seti II
KV16 -
Ramesses I
KV17 -
Seti I
KV18 -
Ramesses X
KV19 -
Montuherkhopshef (son of Ramesses IX)
KV20 - Tuthmosis
I & Hatshepsut (the first tomb in Valley of the Kings)
KV21 - discovered in 1917 by
G.B.Belzoni royal family from XVIII Dynasty. Two mummies of
queens. One of them, mummy A, is probably queen Ankhesenamun, wife of
WV22 -
Amenhotep III (Western Valley)
WV23 -
(Western Valley)
WV24 - unknown
tomb (XVIII Dynasty)
WV25 - unknown
possibly tomb of Akhenaten (XVIII Dynasty)
KV26...KV33 - unknown
tombs (XVIII Dynasty)
KV34 -
Tuthmosis III
KV35 - Amenhotep II
(place of located many royal mummies, XVIII Dynasty)
KV36 - Maiherperi (XVIII Dynasty,
official of
Tuthmosis IV)
KV37 - unknown tomb from XVIII
Dynasty, probably used by
robbers as a storeroom
KV38 -
Tuthmosis I
relocated from tomb KV20 by
Tuthmosis III
KV39 - possibly tomb of
Amenhotep I (XVIII Dynasty)
KV40...KV41 - unknown tombs(XVIII
KV42 - possibly tomb of Sennefer,
director of Thebes undrer
Tuthmosis II
or Hatshepsut-Meritre, wife
of Tuthmosis
III (XVIII Dynasty)
KV43 - Totmes IV
(XVIII Dynasty)
KV44 - unknown tomb from XVIII Dynasty, probably brother of Queen Tiji,
Aanen, re-used during XXII Dynasty for Tentkare
KV45 - Userhet (XVIII Dynasty)
KV46 - Yuya and Tjuyu
(parents of queen Tiji, XVIII Dynasty)
KV47 - Siptah
(XIX Dynasty)
KV48 - vizier Amenemopet (XVIII Dynasty)
KV49 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty)
KV50...KV52 - animal tombs (XVIII Dynasty)
KV53 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty)
KV54 - Tutankhamun cache (XVIII
Dynasty) containing embalming material and elements of a funerary meal
KV55 - amarna cache - Tiji (?),
Smenkhkare (?),
Akhenaten (?)
KV56 - "Gold Tomb" probably for daughter of
Seti II
contained splendid jewellery bearing names of Ramesses II, Seti II and
KV57 - Horemheb
(XVIII Dynasty)
KV58 - nunknown burial shaft (annex Tutankhamun's tomb) contained gold
foil bearing the names of Tutankhamun
and Ai
KV59 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty)
KV60 - Sitre (called In), wet nurse of Queen
Hatshepsut. In the tomb
H.Carter and E.R.Ayrton found in 1903
mummy of Hatshepsut and mummy
of her nurse.
KV61 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty)
KV62 - Tutankhamun
(originally tomb of Ai II, XVIII
KV63 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty), probably cache for unused funeral
stuff. |