Valley of the Kings - KV9
tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI - XXth Dynasty
This tomb was known to the Romans as the tomb of Memnon and to the Napoleonic Expedition as 'La Tombe de la Metampsychose'. The burial chamber is not completely finished, evident also in the lack of any subsidiary rooms except for the abbreviated extension beyond the sarcophagus hall. No sarcophagi are known for Ramesses V; any prepared had possibly been usurped by his successor. Other finds brought to light by Edwin Brock in 1985 included pottery, fragments of wood and calcite ushabtis - and a coin of the Roman emperior Maximian. The mummies of both Ramesses V and Ramesses VI were discovered in the KV35 cache in 1898. The mummy of Ramesses V lay in the base of the white-painted wooden coffin and that of Ramesses VI in a replacement coffin originally belonging to a high priest of Menkheperre time. |
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