Western Thebes

The site of Thebes developed relatively late, in the XIth Dynasty. Thousands of rock tombs are dispersed along the base of the hills. The religious significance of Thebes was enhanced by the presence of more than 50 kings tombs of the XI - XX Dynasties. Lying along the edge of the cultivation are the associated cult complexes, houses of millions of years. In addition, there are further private mortuary temples and other cult areas on the West Bank. Amenhotep III's palace town at Malgatta lies at the southern end of the West Bank complexes.  
icturesque Western Thebes consist of necropolises with countless graves of royal officials assembled together in sites known today as Sheikh Abd el-Gurna, Medinet Habu, Qurnet Murrai, Deir el-Medina, Deir el-Bahari, el-Asasif and el-Khokha. Tombs cut in a bed-rock became in turn a burial site for the rulers of the New Kingdom. They are known as Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Apes, Valley of the Queens, Dra Abu el-Naga.


There is over 600 tombs at the West Theban necropolis including royal tombs. many of them, known and admired yet in antiquity, did not survive until now. Below I present a list of tombs that underwent complete damage. A list of the remaining, preserved ones has been placed at pages dedicated to individual necropolises.

A1  - Amenemhat
  - Ruru
  - Siuser
  - Neferhotep
  - Tutnefer, also called Seshu or Seniu
  - Amenhotep
A8  - Amenemheb
A10 - Tutnefer
A11 -
A12 - Nebwanenef
A13 - Paimose
A15 - Amenemib
A16 - Tuthotep
A17 - Userhet
A18 - Amenemopet
A20 - Nakht, also called Panakht
A22 - Neferhebef
A23 - Penaashefi
A24 - Samut
A39 - Penrennu (?)
B1  - Mahuhy
B2  -
B3  - Hauf
C1  -
C2  - Amenemhat
C3  -
Amenhotep or Renna
C6  - Ipy
C7  - Hormose
C9  - Nakht
C10 - Penrennu
C11 - Nebseni
C12 - Mahu
C14 -
Ankhefendjehuty, also called Neferibreseneb
  - Nehi, viceroy of Kush
  - Petersuemhebsed
  - Mahu

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