0 Dynasty ~3120 -
3080 |
sequence of rulers of 0 Dynasty based on W. Kaiser proposition. All the
rulers, apart from Scorpion, were buried in the
Umm el-Qaab necropolis nearby Abydos and plausibly they belong to one
family line of rulers. These tombs appear smaller than those of pharaohs of
the Dynasty I which are located in a near vicinity. All rulers form common
Tanis line. The exception is king Scorpion whose origin remains unknown.
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A sealing of this ruler shows serekh surmounted by two falcons – no name is specified. Burial place – Umm el-Qaab nearby Abydos |
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( Nu-Hor ) |
An interpretation of this name remains controversial and serekhs
with this name was found in Tura and Tarkhan. Some scholars suggest it
is a cursive inscription of the name Narmer.
( Hatj-Hor ) |
His name still remains questionable. To him probably belongs a serekh found on vessel from Tura. |
Pe-Hor |
Serekhs with name of this ruler were found on vessel in Qustul and stone inscriptions near Armant on the West Desert |
Hedj-Hor | |
Serekhs with this ruler's name were found at eastern Delta and at a piece of pottery from Tura. Helck identifies him with one of two defeated chiefs presented at Narmer's Palette and reads his name as Wa-Shi. |
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The king buried in tomb B1-B2 in the Umm el-Qaab necropolis. Some scholars (T. Wilkinson) do not deny existence of this ruler. Reading of his name is also controversial – „ Belonging to Horus”. This view is not shared by J. von Beckerath and W. Helck. The name Iry-Hor is confirmed by seal print of Zawiyet el-Aryan. |
( Sehen )
ruler buried in B7-B9 tomb in the
Umm el-Qaab necropolis. In some scholars’ opinion (P. Kaplony) he was
named Sehen. Others, being in minority, contradict his identity.
'Crocodile' | |
Considered to be an usurper who ruled over Delta or part of it, possibly at times of Narmer. Serekh was found in a tomb 315 at Tarkhan. Some scholars read out the name of Ka or Scorpion on it. |
The king os known to us thank to fragments of two (?) mace-heads of Hierankopolis and table of Abydos that survived until now. According to G. Drayer this ruler followed pharaoh Aha of Dynasty I. Some scholars (Krauss & Franke) believe that there were two persons identified by this same name. Thus, Scorpion I lived around year 3150 and was predecessor of Egyptian pharaohs. To him also belonged multi-chambered tomb U-j at Abydos, discovered in 1988 by German expedition. The king known from mace of Hierakonpolis in turn, was Scorpion II and to him belonged either one-chambered tomb at Hierakonpolis or B50 complex at the necropolis at Abydos. In W. Helck’s opinion king Scorpion preceded Iry-Hor from Hierakonpolis dynasty. |
Mace's head of king Scorpion from Hieraconpolis, h=32 cm | Mace's head of king Scorpion. Draw |
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