Until now the absolute chronology of Egypt has been based solely on historical sources. Numerous architectural monuments and historical inscriptions provide materials for studies on chronology of pharaohs, the significant role of which by reconstructing the history of this most interesting of all civilizations can not be overestimated.
fragment of Second Abydos TableManetho’s Chronicle or royal lists engraved in stone plates and walls of tombs and temples are a group of documents of, to large extent, questionable value due to their incomplete condition as they are now. They include only some names of kings and no dates. For all that however they allow for confirmation of sequence of kings, especially those omitted from Palermo Stone and Turin Canon due to their damage.
Royal List of Karnak engraved in a vestibule wall of the temple of Tuthmosis III (dynasty XVIII) recently in the Museum of Louvre, includes 61 names of rulers of dynasties XI, XIII and XVII. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the royal names are not presented in historical order, it is of minor help for establishing the Egyptian chronology. Table of Abydos is still on the walls of the temple of Seti I at Abydos and has a list of names of selected kings, running from Menes down to beginnings of the dynasty XIX. Table of Sakkara is a king list inscribed in Saqqara tomb of overseer of works of Ramesses II (dynasty XIX). It has names of Ramesses II predecessors, running from king Anedjib of dynasty I.  An important document for our comprehension of royal chronology is so called Memphite genealogy of prophets, giving in 27 cases the name of actually ruling king. Also biographies of high officials, proudly presented in walls of their tombs, became a source of numerous and significant data.
Conventional chronology is based on two astronomically confident dates that are associated with rise of Sothis, the event noted down by ancient Egyptian documents dated to times of XII and XVIII dynasties. Periods of common rule of two rulers – the pharaoh and his successor, called co-regency are a source of arguments between scholars and make difficulties in precise dating. In periods of co-regency years of rule of each ruler are counted together. The most significant for Egyptian chronology co-regencies were in times of dynasties XII and XVIII.
So called biblical sources are worth mentioning at this point as they are often referred to by those creating proud history of Israel based on one of the most wonderful civilizations ever existed on this globe – the Egyptian civilization.  Bible gives a lot of information, which might be immensely significant but for that it has nothing to do with historical facts.

                         Selected bibliography and sources

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