King's Tomb III at Tanis
In 1939 Pierre Montet discovered, within the Amun temple precinct at Tanis, the tombs of kings of the XXIst and XXIInd Dynasties, some of which were undisturbed and contained burial of King Psusennes I, his consort - Mutnedjemet, their son - Ankhefenmut, also Sheshonq II and Wendjebwaendjed - commander of bowmen. They consists of crypts entered via an entrance shaft or ramp and with an antechamber and longish tomb chamber. They were potentially threatened by sub-soil water and so were not very deeply sunk below the paving of the court. There are three tomb chambers (with a large number of re-used blocks). Their superstructures, which may have been like those of the tombs of the kings of Sais, have completely disappeared. Only 4 out probably 17 tombs of this kind of the XXIst-XXIInd Dynasties have been found. |
1 - Psusennes I |
5 - Wendjebwaendjed -
commander of bowmen |
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rich tomb of Psusennes was found intact, the only pharaonic grave
ever discovered thus. A large carved red granite sarcophagus enclosed a
black granite anthropoid coffin, which in turn held a silver inner
coffin. Over the face of the mummy lay a gold face mask, but the mummy
had been substantially destroyed by the poor conditions. The large
sarcophagus had originally been used 170 years earlier for the
burial of Merenptah in the Valley of the Kings. |
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