the end of reign of the last Ramesses the rule all over the land was
held actually by its vizier and viceroy of Nubia, the first prophet of
Amun – Herhor. His rule inaugurates dynasty of high priests of Amun,
reigning at Thebes. At the same time at Tanis and Busiris reigns
dynasty XXI founded by Smendes,
replaced later by Libyan
dynasty XXII founded by Sheshonq. Some of the high
priests hold rule all over Egypt or at least endeavor to show their
right to rule by adopting full royal titulary. Others seem to be
satisfied with their function of high priests and remain fully loyal to
the kings reigning in the North, to whom they often are closely related.
Herhor Hm-nTr- tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw-imi-ramSa wr n Smaw mHw HAwti Hri-Hr
Hm-nTr tpi-n-imn Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun (The First Prophet Of Amun) |
Hri-Hr (sA-imn) Herhor Siamun (Horus Protects Me ; Son Of Amun) |
First Prophet of Amun, then ruler of the Upper Egipt. His antecedents remain largely unknown, generally it is accepted that he originated from Libyan family of officers. It is also assumed that he was father-in-law of high priest Piankhi (Herhor’s daughter: Hereret), although most recently contradictory opinion of K. Jansen-Winkeln is prevailing that Piankhi was Herhor’s father-in-law and father of his wife Nedjemet. Thus their sequence of rule would be reverse – it would be Piankhi and not Herhor who made campaigns against rebelling viceroy of Kush Panehesi. A. Niwinski does not share this view and ascribes those events to Herhor. Whatever is the truth, some light may be shed by archaeological excavations carried out at Deir el-Bahari by Polish-Egyptian group under direction of Prof. A. Niwinski. The Rocky Mission has very well defined goal: discovery of Herhor’s tomb, located presumably at a rock shelf 100 m above lower terrace of the Temple of Hatshepsut. In year 19 of Ramesses XI rule Herhor acquired a title of vizier and viceroy of Nubia, later he took command over army and short thereafter actual rule over Egypt. After Ramesses death he proclaimed himself king of Egypt, the event confirmed by Oracle of Chonsu and Amun. In “ The Story of Wenamen”, dated back to dynasty XXII are mentioned events of the year 5 of Herhor’s rule, Wenamen’s journey to get wood to make barge of Amun. |
Piankhi TAj-xw (Hr) wnm-nsw sS-nsw
imi-rA-mSa sA nsw n kAS imi-rA-xAswt-rswt Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw
imi-rA-Snwt n pr-aA ... HAwti pAi-anx n pDwt pr-a |
pAi-anx Piankhi |
Presumably son-in-law of Herhor and his heir to the Theban throne of high priests of Amun or, according to K. Jansen-Winkeln, Herhor’s father-in-law and his predecessor in fight with Panehesi, the viceroy of Kush, whom he finally conquered and thus became actual ruler of the Upper Egypt in times of Ramesses XI reign. Piankhi’s wife was Hereret, presumably daughter of Herhor, and his son was Pinedjem I. |
Son of high priest Pinudjem by Hereret. He was father of high priests Djedchonsuefankh, Masuharte and Psusennes I. After Ramesses XI death he made agreement with his father-in-law Smendes I who, after Pinudjem’s acceptation, coexisted as ruler in the North. Since year 1054 as de facto ruler of the whole Egypt he passed the office of high priest to his sons. A few relics of this period of time allow conclude that there was opposition against Pinudjem and his sons who held the most important functions in the Land. Heads of opposition had been finally deported to Charga Oasis in 1045. Under his reign royal mummies had been concealed in the DB320 cache at Deir el-Bahari and also buried Herhor’s wife – Nedjemet. Moreover, Pinudjem took care of tombs of other New Kingdom rulers. |
Masuharte Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw
imi-rA-mSa wr n Smaw mHw mshrt |
mshrt Masuharte |
The eldest son of Pinedjem I
and Isetemkheb II, appointed by his father
in 16 year of rule, High Priest at Thebes while
Pinedjem I himself held
a rule all over Egypt as pharaoh. Masuharte died
before his father.A fragment of a letter may indicate that Masaharta fell
ill and died at El-Hiba. The High Priest’s mummy was discovered in the
DB320 cache at Deir el-Bahari. |
Djedkhonsuefankh |
High Priest of Amun, whose name Khonsu Speaks And He Lives was mentioned on now lost coffin. He was supposed to be son of Pinedjem I. It is possible that he died in violent death, as the consequence of troubles in Thebes at the time. |
Menkheperre Mh-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw imi-rA-mSa wr mn-xpr-ra
Hm-nr tpi n imn Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun (The First Prophet Of Amun) | |
mn-xpr-ra Mencheperre (Lasting Is The Manifestation Of Re) |
son of Pinedjem I. Father of Smendes II and
Pinedjem. Under his reign, similarly as under Pinedjem I, the royal
mummies had been moved and protected in the cache at Western Thebes.
Probably during long-lasting rule of Menkheperre a rebel, suppressed
ruthlessly by the high priest, broke out in the Upper Egypt - leaders of
the rebel were expelled to the Oasis Kharga. |
Eldest son of Mencheperre and Isetemcheb III, brother of Pinedjem II. Due to short duration of his rule there are very scanty relics dated to that period of time – decree in the pylon 10 of the Temple of Karnak and stone table at courtyard in front of that pylon. |
Pinudjem II Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw
imi-rA-mSa wr HAwti pAi-nDm |
pAi-nDm Pinudjem (He Who Belongs To The Pleasant One) |
Son of high priest Mencheperre and Isetemcheb III. High priest of Amun at Thebes under Amenemipet, Osokhor and Siamen reign. Both wives of Pinedjem II held numerous profitable posts as prophetesses. One of them, daughter of Smendes II, Neskhonsu, became governor of foreign countries and viceroy of Nubia (!!). Mummy of the high priest was found in the DB320 cache at Deir el-Bahari. |
Psusennes III (Pasebakhaienniut) Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw pA-sbA-xai-n-niwt , Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw iri hpw nfrw n kmt HAwti(n) pr-aA pA-sbA-xai-(n)-niwt mri-imn
tit-xprw-ra (stp.n-ra) Titkheperure Setepenre (Image Of The Transormations Of Re ; Chosen Of Re) | |
pA-sbA-xai-n-niwt (mri-imn) Pasebakhaienniut Meriamun (The Star The Appears In The City ; Beloved Of Amun) |
Identity of this ruler still remains questionable for historians. There is an opinion, shared by J. Beckerath, that Psusennes III and Psusennes II, the last ruler of dynasty XXI, are one and the same person. It is possible that Psusennes, who was high priest at Thebes and local ruler in the Abydos area, expanded his influence as far as to Delta ca 959 BC, adopting also royal titulary. In hieratic graffiti from temple of Ptah at Abydos he is named the king of the Upper and Lower Egypt, high priest of Amun-Re and commander of army. One of his daughters, Tanetsepeh, was wife of Shedsunefertum, the high priest of Ptah at Memphis, second one – Maatkare was married to Osorkon I. |
Iuput Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw imi-rA-mSa wr n rsit HAwti ipwt |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun-Re (The First Prophet Of Amun-Re) | |
ipwt Iuput | |
Son of Sheshonq I, the high Priest of Amun at Thebes, entitled: “Commander-in-chief of the Army”, “Governor of the Upper Egypt”. He built for himself cenotaph (dummy tomb) at Abydos. |
Sheshonq Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw imi-rA-mSa wr HAwti SSnq , Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw-nb(w)-n-Smaw-mHw HAwti SSnq mri-imn |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun-Re (The First Prophet Of Amun-Re) | |
SSnq [mri-]imn Szeszonk [Meri]amun (Sheshonq, Beloved Of Amun) | |
Son of Osorkon I by Maatkare, daughter of Psusennes II. Step-brother of Takelot I and high priests: Iuwlot and Smendes. In 924 he was made by his father the high priest of Amun at Thebes and short before his death – nominated the coregent and since then his name was inscribed in royal cartouche with all titles due to the king of Lower and Upper Egypt. However Sheshonq died unexpectedly and was succeeded by his step-brother, Takelot I. Sheshonq was the father of high priest Horsiese. He was buried in the antechamber of the Psusennes I tomb. His rich funerary equipment consists of gold funerary mask, silver sarcophagus, pectorals, amulets and other precious objects. |
Iuwlot Hm-nTr tpi n imn iwlt |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun (The First Prophet Of Amun) | |
Son of Osorkon I, step brother of Takelot I, Sheshonq II - his predecessor on the throne of high priests and Smendes III – his successor. |
Smendes III Hm-nTr tpi n imn imi-ramSA wr n Smaw-mHw HAwti ni-sw-bA-nb-Dd(t) |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun-Re (The First Prophet Of Amun-Re) | |
ni-swbA-nb-Dd(t) Nisu-Ba-Neb-Djedet | |
Son of Osorkon I, step brother of his predecessors: Iuwlot and Sheshonq. He is disclosed by indexes of the Nile level at Karnak, dated to the times of Takelot II. |
HD-xpr-ra (stp.n-imn) Hedjkheperre Setepenamun (Chosen Of Amun) |
Hr-sA-Ast (mri-imn) Horsiese Meriamun (Horus, Son Of Isis ; Beloved Of Amun) |
Son of Sheshonq II. Osorkon II appointed him to the post of high priest of Amun at Thebes. Regarded as usurper because announced himself the pharaoh of Egypt under the reign of Libyan dynasty XXII and was supported by highly ranked Theban clans. Being de facto ruler of Egypt, Horsiese placed his son on the Theban throne as high priest of Amun. Horsiese’s tomb is located in the temple complex at Medinet Habu. On his burial place only canopies, ushebti and skull of Horsiese with partly cicatrized hole at the head, which may be due to either trepanation or injury caused by weapon, have been preserved. |
... dju ... Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw ...-di
aw-... |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun-Re (The First Prophet Of Amun-Re) | |
Unknown from name son of Horsiese I. Fragment of name preserved at the lower part of granite sarcophagus from Koptos is …dju… (...di aw...). Put on the Theban throne by his father. |
Nimlot (3) Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw
imn-ra-nsw-nTrw imi-ra-mSa n Hwt-nn-nsw HAwti nmlt |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun-Re (The First Prophet Of Amun-Re) | |
nmlt Nimlot | |
Son of Osorkon II and Djedmutsenakh. The ruler of Thebes and Herakleopolis, high priest of Amun. Father of Karoma III and the ruler of Herakleopolis Djedptahiefankh. |
Osorkon (2) Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw
imi-rA-mSa wr HAwti tA r-Dr.f sA-nsw rpat HAti(-a) wsrkn |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun-Re (The First Prophet Of Amun-Re) | |
wsrkn Osorkon | |
Son of Takelot II. In K. Kitchen opinion the high priest Osorkon has nothing to do with the king Osorkon III, who being the son of Karoma III Meritmut, in contrary to Osorkon, was not the son of Takelot. In D.A. Aston opinion in the year 11 of Takelot rule Osorkon made war expedition to Thebes, where Padibastet I announced himself a ruler, thus becoming Takelot’s rival. After victory campaign Osorkon regulated affairs at Thebes. Furthermore D.A Aston believes that the high priest Osorkon is identified with king Osorkon III, who came to the rule at Thebes in times of Sheshonq III. |
Horsiese (2) Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra-nsw-nTrw Hr-sA-Ast |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun-Re (The First Prophet Of Amun-Re) | |
Hr-sA-Ast Horsiese | |
High Priest of Amun at Thebes. He might have been grandson of Horsiese I, the king and high priest of Amun. |
Takelot (6) Hm-nTr tpi n imn tklt |
Hm-nTr tpi n imn-ra Hem Netjer Tepi-en-Amun (The First Prophet Of Amun) | |
tklt Takelot | |
of Nimlot (3) - the prince of Herakleopolis, disclosed by Nile level indexes at
Karnak dated to the year 23 of Padibastet I and year 6 of Sheshonq IV rule. |
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