Great King who succeeded (not without difficulty) in once again reducing Egypt
to a satrapy (342 b.c.e.) struck coins depicting him dressed as a Persian but
crowned with the pshent. Notaries writing in Demotic were obliged to date their
legal documents to
Pharaoh Artaxerxes,
but the people would recount that this emperor had made a banquet of the Apis
bull and the ram of Mendes. After his death (338 b.c.e.), a native king,
Khababash, was recognized for a time. In 330 b.c.e., after downfall of
Darius III Codomanus, Alexander substituted a new
domination. |
342 - 338 |
Artaxerxes III Okhos Ochos (Man) |
He had lead two campaigns against Egypt. The first failed due to pestilence, which occurred within Persian army. The second campaign, in 342 BC, resulted in defeat of much weaker Egyptian army which was a start of a occupation period filled up with terror, numerous massacres, profanation of temples and violence. Numerous Egyptian statues had been carried out to Persia at these times. Artaxerxes III died in 338 BC, poisoned on Bagoas' order. |
338 - 335 |
Arses Aroges (Man) |
The ruler put on the throne by Persian army commander Bagoas, as a successor of Artaxerxes III. |
337 - 335/4 |
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snn-stp.n-ptH Senensetepenptah |
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xbS Khabash |
One of the magnates of the Upper Egypt who, being supported by oppressed population he assumed a title of the pharaoh. He never succeeded to overtake the rule. According to the records he concealed himself from Persians in swampy and remote parts of the Nile. His existence is disclosed by: stela of Ptolemy I satraps, demotic papyrus dated to the year 1 of his rule, Apis sarcophagus of his second year and amulet with his name which was found in the tomb of Horemheb at Memphis. The name xbS , xbbS is probably of Libyan origin. |
335 - 332 |
Darius III Codomanus
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dr(i)wS Darius |
He was the son of Arsames and Ostames, one of Artaxerxes brothers. As new king, took the name Darius, and soon sought to become independent of his assassin benefactor. He was the last Persian ruler of Egipt. Defeated decisively by Alexander the Great in October 1, 331 BC in the battle at Gaugamela. He escaped from Alexander who was conquering successive Persian cities. Murdered by his own officers (Bessus) in July 330 BC. |
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