Dynasty of so-called Small Hyksos,
consisting of Hyksos dukes being most probably vassals of the Great Hyksoses
from the Dynasty XV. Derivation of their names is either Egyptian or Asiatic.
The present evidence is too scant to distinguish if they are of Egyptian origin
or somehow related to the Great Hyksos ruling in Awaris, or finally their names
are nothing else as a work of fiction... |
HqA-xAswt ant-Hr Heka-Khasut Anat-her (Ruler Of The Desert Lands, Anat-Her) |
Existence of this ruler is testified on one only scarab. The title “heka khasut” (ruler of foreign countries) may suggest that he was prince of one of the cities in south Palestine. |
( User-Anat )
HqA-xAswt Ap.r-ant Heka-Khasut Aper-Anat (Powerful Is Anat) | |
HqA-xAswt wsr-ant Heka-Khasut Weser-Anat (Powerful Is Anat) |
In J. von Beckerath’ opinion this ruler was one of the minor princes in southern Palestina in times of dynasty XV. Confirmed by one scarab. His name means Powerful is Anat with a title of The Ruler of Foreign Countries. |
HqA-xAswt smqn Semqen (Shimike Is My God) |
Minor Hyksos ruler confirmed only on a scarab with title HqA-xAswt The ruler of alien lands (Hyksos). W. Helck interprets this name as Huritian and would mean Shimike is my god. |
sqr-Hr Sokar-Hor |
( Yaam )
nbw-wsr-ra Nebweserre |
yamw Yamu | |
The ruler’s name is confirmed solely on scarabs. |
Yakobaam ( Yakobner )
sxai.n-ra Sekhaenre (Who Intronized Re) | |
ykbm Yakobaam |
The ruler’s name is disclosed solely by scarabs. Sometimes he is identified with Salitis, the first ruler of dynasty XV). |
| |
xai-wsr-ra Khaiweserre | |
a(A)m(w) Amu |
Local prince in central Egypt whose name was found on scarabs. |
Pepi III
snfr-anx-ra Seneferankhre (The One Who Makes Life Beautiful) |
ppy Pepi |
Ruler mentioned only on scarabs. His throne name means The One Who Makes Life Beautiful. |
nb-mAat-ra Nebmaatre (The Lord Of Maat, Re) |
Name of the king (The Lord of Maat is Re) was found on copper blade of an ax of a tomb of Mostagedd. Presumably he ruled over a small territory in Central Egypt. |
mri-ib-ra Meribre (Of Loving Heart Re) |
Name of this ruler (or regent) means Of Loving Heart Re and is documented solely in inscription on scarab. |
nb.w-anx-ra Nebwankhre (Golden Living, Re) |
Regent, his name Golden Living, Re is mentioned solely on scarabs. |
ni-kA-ra Nikare (His Ka Belongs To Re) |
King of minor significance, his name His Ka Belongs To Re is mentioned only on scarabs. |
| ||
... ka-ra ...kare | ||
This name mentioned only on Turin Canon. |
( Wadj[ed] )
w(A)D(d) Wadj[ed] |
Existence of this ruler is proved only by one scarab and short notice in Turin Canon. According to J. von Beckerath his name may have Semitic origin. |
| ||
qwr Qur | ||
This semitic name mentioned only on scarab. |
| ||
Sns Shenes |
1600-1588 (Ryholt) |
bb-anx Bebankh |
A dagger of Nagada, dated to the Hyksos times give testimony to the existence of this king. However some scholars (D. Frankee) argue that king Beb-Anch should be identified with the throne name swsr.n-ra (Suserenre) which belonged to a ruler of the dynasty XVII, and which is shown on the stela found at Gebel Zait at the Red Sea. |
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