el-Khokha ( Western Thebes )

Area in the Theban necropolis (25o44'N, 32o36'E). The site is named after a modern village and is located between the Asasif in the north and east and Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in the west. The exact meaning of the name  Khokha is unclear, although it has been translated as peach or vault. In Egyptian Arabic , the term is used to describe an opening in a wall, a gate, or a wicket gate, possibly referring to the entrances of the local rock-cut tombs. The private tombs of the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period and several tombs of the XVIII and XIX dynasties were investigated by Egyptian, British, German and Hungarian expeditions.  The unique tomb of the chief steward Amenemhat, also called Surer (TT48), was one of the largest and most important private tombs of the New Kingdom. The inner, rock-cut part of the tomb extends for almost 60 meters into the rock, its four main rooms contain seventy columns and pillars to support the ceiling.

39  - Puimre, second Prophet of Amon under Tuthmosis IIIMalowidło z grobowca TT254, Amenmose
48  - Amenemhat, also called Surer, the king's steward (Amenhotep III)
49  - Neferhotep, chef of scribes
172 - Mentiywi
173 - Khay
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177 - Amenemopet
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Kenro, also called Neferrenpet, scribe of Amon under Ramesses II

179 - Nebamon
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181 - Ipuky or Nebamon, sculptors at the court of Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV
182 - Amenemhat
183 - Nebsumenu
184 - Nefermenu
185 - Senioker
186 - Ihy, nomarch
187 - Pakhihet
188 - Parennefer, majordomus of Amenhotep IV
198 - Riya
199 - Amenarnefru
200 - Dedi
201 - Re
202 - Nakhtamun
203 - Wennefer
204 - Nebanensu
205 - Tutmosis
206 - Ipuemheb
207 - Horemheb
208 - Roma
209 - Seremhatrekhyt
238 - Neferweben
241 - Ahmose
245 - Hori
246 - Senenre
247 - Samut
248 - Tutmosis
253 - Khnummose, scriba of Amon, reign of Amenhotep III
254 - Mose (Amenmose), supervisor of the treasury, reign Tutankhamon or Ai II
256 - Nebenkemet
257 - Mahu or Neferhotep
258 - Menkheper
264 - Ipiy
294 - Amenhotep, overseer of the granaries, reign of Amenhotep II (tomb usurped by Roma)
295 - Paroy, also called Tuhmosis
296 - Nefersekheru or Pabasa
362 - Paanemwaset
363 - Paraemheb

365 - Nefermenu
369 - Khaemwaset
370 - unknown royal scribe
371 - unknown 

372 - Amenkhau
373 - Amenmessu

374 - Amenemopet
405 - Khenti, nomarch


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